Monday, July 22, 2013

Painted Mason Jars (inside)

Painted Mason Jars
painted these for Mother's Day gift with fresh flowers
bought mason jars at Christmas Tree Shoppes (they were pretty cheap and had different sizes)
 I looked around for paint that could be used with water and I came up with enamal bases paint. Folk Art paint enamal is what I used. Other websites suggest to pour it in and roll the glass around. Mine did not do that and I had to physically paint the inside of my glass. Make sure you don't get streak marks, and apply evenly.

Once it was finished, I followed the directions on the bottle on how to cure it. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.... no nothing bad happened but I am sure it could. Set the glass in there while it heats up and then don't take it out till the oven is completely cool. Prevents the glass from bursting. "ain't nobody got time for that!"
What I did do, after it was set in the oven and taken out, I filled it up with water to see if it were true. Now, after a few days you could see that the water was "eating" through the paint (for lack of a better word) therefore I didn't want to give the gift if it was going to wear the paint away, I was bummed. But I got an idea after I almost knocked over the water cup I was using, and I took that plastic cup and stuck it inside. It didn't hit the bottom and yet it stayed in place, and I was able to put the ring around the top and you couldn't even tell! Problem solved! Now not all the glasses I got were able to fit the cup so I had to put those ones aside till I figure out what to do with them.
The purple one has the cup inside
Finished Product!

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